Using MGCP usually makes life much easier with Communications Manager, but unfortunately it does assume that any PRI circuit is using the full amount of channels (23 for a T1 or 30 for an E1) and therefore doesn't support fractional PRIs.
Here's how to kludge MGCP into using a fractional PRI in 7 easy steps, for this example I'm using an E1 in slot 0/0/0:
1) Configure the gateway as normal in Communications Manager, then on the gateway use the ccm-manager config commands to configure it automatically:
ccm-manager config server x.x.x.x
ccm-manager config
2) Shutdown the voice-port:
voice-port 0/0/0:15
controller E1 0/0/0
3) Remove the ISDN layer 3 binding:
interface Serial 0/0/0:15
no isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
4) Replace the pri-group:
controller E1 0/0/0
no pri-group
pri-group timeslots 1-x service mgcp
5) Restore the ISDN layer 3 binding:
interface Serial 0/0/0:15
isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
6) Enable the voice-port:
controller E1 0/0/0
no shutdown
voice-port 0/0/0:15
no shutdown
7) Disable auto-configuration downloading, otherwise Communications Manager may undo your hard work:
no ccm-manager config
copy running-config startup-config
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