Tuesday 4 December 2018

CUCM Finding Incorrect DMS Recording Configuration

Tool to check the recording configuration for a list of DNs specified in a CSV file, such as a user export from the call recording application.
Requires Python 3 to run, many Linux distros have Python installed by default. For Windows the easiest install is the official Python Windows version, or Miniconda works fine too:
Miniconda distribution of Python 3: https://conda.io/miniconda.html
Official Python distribution: https://www.python.org/downloads/

The lxml, Requests, urllib3 and Zeep libraries are required to work.

Version History
Written by Chris Perkins in 2018:
v1.0 – initial release.
v1.1 – fixes some edge cases.

All testing was done using Windows with CUCM v11.5.

Using the Tool
For a list of DNs in a CSV file, the tool finds phones (tkclass=1) & device profiles (tkclass=254) where the built-in bridge isn’t on or privacy isn’t off, automatic call recording isn't enabled, the recording profile doesn't match & recording media source isn't phone preferred. It can optionally output the results to another CSV file.
The input CSV file should contain the list of DNs in a single column, with no header, like the below:

It connects to CUCM via the AXL API, so the AXL schema for the version of CUCM in use is required, this is downloaded from CUCM via Application > Plugins > Cisco AXL Toolkit. The required files contained within the .zip file are AXLAPI.wsdl, AXLEnums.xsd and AXLSoap.xsd.
Different CUCM servers are defined in JSON formatted files, allowing for multiple CUCM clusters running different versions (and thus different AXL schemas). Load the CSV file via File > Load AXL:
It will then prompt for the password:

It will then prompt for the input CSV file:

If you wish to save the output in a CSV file, enter the filename into the text box:

Click Check Recording Config, the results will be displayed & optionally saved.

Customising the Tool
The configuration for connecting via AXL to a CUCM cluster & what recording profile(s) to check against are stored in JSON format, for example:
    "fqdn": "cucm-emea-pub.somewhere.com",
    "username": "AppAdmin",
    "wsdl_file": "file://C://temp//AXLAPI.wsdl",
    "subquery": "(dnmap.fkrecordingprofile!=(SELECT rp.pkid FROM recordingprofile rp WHERE rp.name LIKE 'NICE_NTR_ABITL_RP') AND dnmap.fkrecordingprofile!=(SELECT rp.pkid FROM recordingprofile rp WHERE rp.name LIKE 'NICE_NTR_RP'))"

  • The JSON file starts with [ and ends with ].
  • “fqdn” should be the FQDN or IP address of the target CUCM publisher.
  • “username” is an application or end user with the Standard AXL API Access role.
  • “wsdl_file” points to the location of the AXL schema, note the slightly different path syntax for Windows.
  • “subquery” is an SQL query that specifies the name of the recording profile, simply paste it into the quotes after LIKE.
It is possible to simultaneously check against multiple recording profiles by joining 2 sub-queries via AND:
"subquery": "(dnmap.fkrecordingprofile!=(SELECT rp.pkid FROM recordingprofile rp WHERE rp.name LIKE 'NICE_NTR_RP') AND dnmap.fkrecordingprofile!=(SELECT rp.pkid FROM recordingprofile rp WHERE rp.name LIKE 'RED_BOX_RP'))"

If you've adjusted the CallManager service parameters so that built-in bridge is on by default & privacy is off by default, change the SQL queries as follows:

            # Check for phones (tkclass=1)
            sql_statement = "SELECT d.name, d.description, n.dnorpattern, n.description AS ndescription FROM device d INNER JOIN devicenumplanmap dnmap ON dnmap.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN numplan n ON dnmap.fknumplan=n.pkid " \
                "INNER JOIN deviceprivacydynamic dpd ON dpd.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN recordingdynamic rd ON rd.fkdevicenumplanmap=dnmap.pkid WHERE (d.tkclass=1 AND n.dnorpattern='" \
                + dn + \
                "') AND (d.tkstatus_builtinbridge=0 OR dpd.tkstatus_callinfoprivate=1 OR " \
                + axl_json['subquery'] + \
                " OR dnmap.fkrecordingprofile IS NULL OR dnmap.tkpreferredmediasource!=2 OR rd.tkrecordingflag!=1) ORDER BY d.name"

            # Check for device profiles (tkclass=254)
            sql_statement = "SELECT d.name, d.description, n.dnorpattern, n.description AS ndescription FROM device d INNER JOIN devicenumplanmap dnmap ON dnmap.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN numplan n ON dnmap.fknumplan=n.pkid " \
                "INNER JOIN deviceprivacydynamic dpd ON dpd.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN recordingdynamic rd ON rd.fkdevicenumplanmap=dnmap.pkid WHERE (d.tkclass=254 AND n.dnorpattern='" \
                + dn + \
                "') AND (dpd.tkstatus_callinfoprivate=1 OR " \
                + axl_json['subquery'] + \
                " OR dnmap.fkrecordingprofile IS NULL OR dnmap.tkpreferredmediasource!=2 OR rd.tkrecordingflag!=1) ORDER BY d.name"

Source Code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# v1.1 - written by Chris Perkins in 2018
# For a list of DNs in a CSV file, find phones (tkclass=1) & device profiles (tkclass=254) where built-in bridge isn’t on or privacy isn’t off, automatic call recording isn't enabled,
# recording profile doesn't match & recording media source isn't phone preferred. Optionally output to another CSV file

# v1.1 - fixes some edge cases
# v1.0 - original release

# Original AXL SQL query code courtesy of Jonathan Els - https://afterthenumber.com/2018/04/27/serializing-thin-axl-sql-query-responses-with-python-zeep/

# To Do:
# Improve the GUI

import sys, json, csv
import tkinter as tk
import requests
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import filedialog, simpledialog, messagebox
from collections import OrderedDict
from zeep import Client
from zeep.cache import SqliteCache
from zeep.transports import Transport
from zeep.plugins import HistoryPlugin
from zeep.exceptions import Fault
from zeep.helpers import serialize_object
from requests import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from urllib3 import disable_warnings
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
from lxml import etree

# GUI and main code
class DNRecordingCheckerFrame(tk.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        """Constructor checks parameters and initialise variables"""
        self.axl_input_filename = None
        self.axl_password = ""
        self.csv_input_filename = None
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
        menu_bar = tk.Menu(self)
        file_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
        file_menu.add_command(label="Load AXL", command=self.open_json_file_dialog)
        file_menu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.quit)
        menu_bar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=file_menu)
        tk.Label(self, text="Output Filename:").place(relx=0.2, rely=0.0, height=22, width=200)
        self.output_csv_text = tk.StringVar()
        tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.output_csv_text).place(relx=0.2, rely=0.05, height=22, width=200)
        tk.Button(self, text="Check Recording Config", command=self.check_recording).place(relx=0.265, rely=0.12, height=22, width=160)
        self.results_count_text = tk.StringVar()
        self.results_count_text.set("Results Found: ")
        tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.results_count_text).place(relx=0.35, rely=0.18, height=22, width=110)
        list_box_frame = tk.Frame(self, bd=2, relief=tk.SUNKEN)
        list_box_scrollbar_y = tk.Scrollbar(list_box_frame)
        list_box_scrollbar_x = tk.Scrollbar(list_box_frame, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)
        self.list_box = tk.Listbox(list_box_frame, xscrollcommand=list_box_scrollbar_x.set, yscrollcommand=list_box_scrollbar_y.set)
        list_box_frame.place(relx=0.02, rely=0.22, relheight=0.75, relwidth=0.96)
        list_box_scrollbar_y.place(relx=0.94, rely=0.0, relheight=1.0, relwidth=0.06)
        list_box_scrollbar_x.place(relx=0.0, rely=0.94, relheight=0.06, relwidth=0.94)
        self.list_box.place(relx=0.0, rely=0.0, relheight=0.94, relwidth=0.94)

    def element_list_to_ordered_dict(self, elements):
        """Convert list to OrderedDict"""
        return [OrderedDict((element.tag, element.text) for element in row) for row in elements]

    def sql_query(self, service, sql_statement):
        """Execute SQL query via AXL and return results"""
            axl_resp = service.executeSQLQuery(sql=sql_statement)
                return self.element_list_to_ordered_dict(serialize_object(axl_resp)["return"]["rows"])
            except KeyError:
                # Single tuple response
                return self.element_list_to_ordered_dict(serialize_object(axl_resp)["return"]["row"])
            except TypeError:
                # No SQL tuples
                return serialize_object(axl_resp)["return"]
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message=str(e))
            return None

    def read_axl(self, dn_list, output_filename):
        """Check configuration via AXL SQL query"""
            self.list_box.delete(0, tk.END)
            self.results_count_text.set("Results Found: ")
            with open(self.axl_input_filename) as f:
                axl_json_data = json.load(f)
                for axl_json in axl_json_data:
                        if not axl_json['fqdn']:
                            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="FQDN must be specified.")
                    except KeyError:
                        tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="FQDN must be specified.")
                        if not axl_json['username']:
                            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Username must be specified.")
                    except KeyError:
                        tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Username must be specified.")
                        if not axl_json['wsdl_file']:
                            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="WSDL file must be specified.")
                    except KeyError:
                        tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="WSDL file must be specified.")
                        if not axl_json['subquery']:
                            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Subquery must be specified.")
                    except KeyError:
                        tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Subquery must be specified.")
        except FileNotFoundError:
            messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Unable to open JSON file.")
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Unable to parse JSON file.")

        axl_binding_name = "{http://www.cisco.com/AXLAPIService/}AXLAPIBinding"
        axl_address = "https://{fqdn}:8443/axl/".format(fqdn=axl_json['fqdn'])
        session = Session()
        session.verify = False
        session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(axl_json['username'], self.axl_password)
        transport = Transport(cache=SqliteCache(), session=session, timeout=60)
        history = HistoryPlugin()
            client = Client(wsdl=axl_json['wsdl_file'], transport=transport, plugins=[history])
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message=str(e))
        axl = client.create_service(axl_binding_name, axl_address)

        # For each DN read from CSV file
        cntr = 0
        result_list = [["Device Name", "Device Description", "DN", "DN Description"]]
        for dn in dn_list:
            # Check for phones (tkclass=1)
            sql_statement = "SELECT d.name, d.description, n.dnorpattern, n.description AS ndescription FROM device d INNER JOIN devicenumplanmap dnmap ON dnmap.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN numplan n ON dnmap.fknumplan=n.pkid " \
                "INNER JOIN deviceprivacydynamic dpd ON dpd.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN recordingdynamic rd ON rd.fkdevicenumplanmap=dnmap.pkid WHERE (d.tkclass=1 AND n.dnorpattern='" \
                + dn + \
                "') AND (d.tkstatus_builtinbridge!=1 OR dpd.tkstatus_callinfoprivate!=0 OR " \
                + axl_json['subquery'] + \
                " OR dnmap.fkrecordingprofile IS NULL OR dnmap.tkpreferredmediasource!=2 OR rd.tkrecordingflag!=1) ORDER BY d.name"
                for row in self.sql_query(service=axl, sql_statement=sql_statement):
                        # Handle None results
                        if row['name'] is None:
                            d_name = ""
                            d_name = row['name']
                        if row['description'] is None:
                            d_description = ""
                            d_description = row['description']
                        if row['dnorpattern'] is None:
                            n_dnorpattern = ""
                            n_dnorpattern = row['dnorpattern']
                        if row['ndescription'] is None:
                            n_description = ""
                            n_description = row['ndescription']

                        self.list_box.insert(tk.END, d_name + ' "' + d_description + '", ' + n_dnorpattern + ' "' + n_ndescription + '"')
                        cntr += 1
                    except TypeError:
            except TypeError:
            except Fault as thin_axl_error:
                tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message=thin_axl_error.message)

            # Check for device profiles (tkclass=254)
            sql_statement = "SELECT d.name, d.description, n.dnorpattern, n.description AS ndescription FROM device d INNER JOIN devicenumplanmap dnmap ON dnmap.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN numplan n ON dnmap.fknumplan=n.pkid " \
                "INNER JOIN deviceprivacydynamic dpd ON dpd.fkdevice=d.pkid INNER JOIN recordingdynamic rd ON rd.fkdevicenumplanmap=dnmap.pkid WHERE (d.tkclass=254 AND n.dnorpattern='" \
                + dn + \
                "') AND (dpd.tkstatus_callinfoprivate!=0 OR " \
                + axl_json['subquery'] + \
                " OR dnmap.fkrecordingprofile IS NULL OR dnmap.tkpreferredmediasource!=2 OR rd.tkrecordingflag!=1) ORDER BY d.name"
                for row in self.sql_query(service=axl, sql_statement=sql_statement):
                        # Handle None results
                        if row['name'] is None:
                            d_name = ""
                            d_name = row['name']
                        if row['description'] is None:
                            d_description = ""
                            d_description = row['description']
                        if row['dnorpattern'] is None:
                            n_dnorpattern = ""
                            n_dnorpattern = row['dnorpattern']
                        if row['ndescription'] is None:
                            n_description = ""
                            n_description = row['ndescription']

                        self.list_box.insert(tk.END, d_name + ' "' + d_description + '", ' + n_dnorpattern + ' "' + n_ndescription + '"')
                        cntr += 1
                    except TypeError:
            except TypeError:
            except Fault as thin_axl_error:
                tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message=thin_axl_error.message)
        self.results_count_text.set("Results Found: " + str(cntr))

        # Output to CSV file if required
            if len(output_filename) != 0:
                with open(output_filename, 'w', newline='') as csv_file:
                    writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
        except OSError:
            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Unable to write CSV file.")

    def check_recording(self):
        """Validate parameters, read CSV file of DNs and then call AXL query"""
        if not self.axl_input_filename:
            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="No AXL file selected.")
        if not self.csv_input_filename:
            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="No CSV file selected.")
        # Parse input CSV file
        dn_list = []
            with open(self.csv_input_filename, encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
                reader = csv.reader(f)
                for row in reader:
        except FileNotFoundError:
            tk.messagebox.showerror(title="Error", message="Unable to open CSV file.")

        output_string = self.output_csv_text.get()
        if len(output_string) == 0:
            self.read_axl(dn_list, '')
            self.read_axl(dn_list, output_string)

    def open_json_file_dialog(self):
        """Dialogue to prompt for JSON file to open and AXL password"""
        self.axl_input_filename = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="/", filetypes=(("JSON files", "*.json"),("All files", "*.*")))
        self.axl_password = tk.simpledialog.askstring("Input", "AXL Password?", show='*')
        self.csv_input_filename = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="/", filetypes=(("CSV files", "*.csv"),("All files", "*.*")))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialise TKinter GUI objects
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("DN Recording Checker v1.1")