Friday, 10 April 2020

Automated CUCM CDR Exception Analyser

So Covid-19 containment has resulted in some spare time that would otherwise have been spent commuting, so I finally got around to creating something I've been meaning to do ever since I left AT&T Global Network Services, which is try to replicate their CDR exception analysis reporting. For customer's managed CUCM deployments AT&T would do an analysis of the CDR/CMR files & pick out repeated instances of non-normal call termination cause codes, as well as instances of poor call quality.
My automated version doesn't do quite the same depth of analysis, but does provide an interesting insight into the surprisingly varied & many things going wrong behind the scenes in a CUCM deployment. A CDR exception being:
  • For a given source device, all instances of a particular source cause code
  • For a given source device, all instances of a particular destination cause code
  • For a given destination device, all instances of a particular source cause code
  • For a given destination device, all instances of a particular destination cause code
  • For a given source device, all instances of poor MoS or CCR
  • For a given destination device, all instances of poor MoS or CCR

 Project hosted on my GitHub

Monday, 20 January 2020

Some Open Source Python Networking Tools

I've been tinkering on & off for a while now with using Python to create tools to automate repetitive tasks & occasionally posting the source code on this blog. I've now published them all on GitHub under the BSD 3-clause licence, so that hopefully others can use & adapt them. Links below:

Data Tools

Voice Tools

Long term I'm thinking about putting together a front end using Flask to tie this all together into a self-service portal, but motivation terms & conditions apply (*need recertify my CCIE again this year).